03 January 2012

Cooking for Canines - Lovely Liver Cake

Over the last few weeks there seems to have been a demand for my liver cake recipe; so much so, I thought it was time it had a page of it's own rather than being hidden away in a separate post!

It's really easy to make and if ask your butcher for liver off-cuts it can be quite an inexpensive way to make treats that have no hidden ingredients and are nutritious for your dog.

However, if you're a bit squeamish and liver isn't your thing, I've also got a 'greyt' recipe for sardine squares which are equally as easy to make and don't involve seeing chopped liver whizzing around your food processor!

So, here's the recipe in all it's glory.

500g (1lb) liver
400-500g (1lb) organic porridge oats* (or 400g rice/potato flour - if making it with flour)
2 large free range eggs
2 cloves of garlic** (crushed)
3 tablespoons natural yogurt

1. Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees C (Gas Mark 4)
2. Grease and line a 30cm square ( 12 inch square) baking tin (it's really important to line the tin - as I've found out to my cost!)
3. Whizz the liver in a food processor until smooth 
4. Add the crushed garlic, egg and oats and continue to whizz until well mixed together
5. When mixture is smooth stir in the natural yogurt until it's a thick cake-like consistency
6. Spoon into baking tin and bake in oven for around 30 – 40 minutes
7. When cooked the liver cake should be firm and light brown colour
8. Remove from oven, allow to cool slightly before turning out of baking tin
9. Cut into small bite size pieces and keep in fridge for up to a week or up to 3 months if frozen.

'Maybe if I'm patient the liver cake
 will levitate in my direction'
I've also experimented and added in fresh chopped parsley along with grated cheese and every time the hounds have loved it. Cut into really small pieces it makes a fantastic training reward - especially when there are lots of distractions and you're calling your greyhound back to you across a large field!

Mina just loves the liver cake and remains in a fixed position in the kitchen when I'm baking it...

If you've got any other greyt home-baked training treats or tips do let us know by sharing them in the comments.
Thank you

Susan n hounds x

*The more oats you use, the crumblier the cake will be.  If you use flour, use less, or your cake will be too dry.
**Garlic is part of the Allium family, such as onions, which are toxic to dogs. Small quantities of garlic, such as in this recipe, should be fine.  If you are worried, omit the garlic and add in some grated, smelly cheese instead.


  1. This is so funny. I was just a thinking earlier this evening I needed to find the Liver Cake recipe because we have a special birthday coming up. I was thinking of the tuna treats too, but maybe we'll do the sardines. Thanks! :-)

  2. Thanks for the comments :d Hope you've had a chance to have a go at making some.

    I swear Mina, Stevie & Jasper would sell their souls for homemade liver cake ;0)

  3. Thanks Rolo :D I'm working on another recipe at the moment - a fishy treat without any cereals!

  4. Quick question Susan, are the treats crunchy or soft or somewhere in the middle? Random question I'm sure :o)

    1. They're pretty soft - depends how long you bake them for!

  5. Sounds fantastic and better because there is no flour in it. I'm off to make some now

  6. Made this and my dogs absolutely LOVE it. Thanks for sharing xx

  7. Hi, I just made this recipe using cheddar cheese and my puppy Chow Chow loves it. I am going to us this to train her for the show ring. Thank you.

  8. My Chow chow loves this recipe with cheddar cheese. She sat by the cooker and waited for it,lol.

  9. why do the break up when placed in a bag and go all crumbly?

    1. Hi
      It can sometimes go a bit crumbly if you bake it for too long or if the mixture isn't wet enough. I find it also varies according to type of oats used too.


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