09 August 2012

A Greyt Summertime Read - Dash, Bitch of the Year

If you love dogs - particularly greyhounds - and if you like a good read, then Dash - Bitch of the Year is well worth adding to your summertime reading list.  The book is written by Andrew Dilger and chronicles his and Dash's journey from the initial adoption of Dash through to Andrew organising his wedding with Dash playing her part as ring bearer.

Me ,with Dash, at Crufts 2011
I met Andrew and Dash at Crufts back in 2011 and made sure I got my hands on a copy of the book, which had a special 'pawtograph' from Dash too.

For any greyhound owner, the book may well raise a wry smile of the early days of sharing a life (or should that be sofa?) with a greyhound.  It can be a steep learning curve, especially if you've not owned an ex-racing greyhound before.  Dash raced at  Oxford Greyhound Stadium and had won Bitch of the Year - hence the name of the book.

Andrew & Dash
There are some 'oh no!' and touching moments in the book as well as some real laugh out loud moments too.  Andrew succumbs to greyhound accessorizing (a fatal habit that afflicts many a greyhound owner) but doesn't say whether it extended past coats to tassels and encounters many different dogs and owners on his walks with Dash. And the description of Dash's first roach made me chuckle (to anyone who doesn't know what a greyhound roach is, Google it.  You're sure to come up with some great photos).

One of my favourite parts of the book are Andrew's accounts of meeting fellow dog owners on his walks with Dash. Ryan and Tolstoy made an impression as did Sally and Kate with their greyhounds.

The book works on many levels - it provides a heart-warming (and at moments, heart -stopping) insight into novice owners adjusting to a greyhound, running parallel with the love story that builds into the finale of Andrew and Sarah's wedding...

...if you want to know how Dash's role played out on the big day - you'll have to read the book.

Win a copy of Dash - Bitch of the Year*

Luckily, I have a copy up for grabs! It's signed by Andrew and also has Dash's pawtograph.

To be in with a chance of winning*, all you have to do is leave a comment and let me know the funniest thing your dog has done.

*Terms & Conditions:
Prize consists of one signed copy of Dash - Bitch of the Year.
The winner will be sent the book by 1st class post or international equivalent.
Closing dates for entries is 12 noon on Friday 24 August 2012

The winner will be chosen at random from the entries submitted
The winner will be notified by email and/or via my blog


  1. My dog was a little Maltese or as I used to call him a Malteser! he was called Tiger and he hated to be ignored. So everytime I ignored him he would stand by my Surround sound speaker and lift his leg and Pee on it. It did not matter how many times I told him off he still did it, Fortunately we had Marble floors at the time for easy cleaning. That dog was a little tinker, Literally
    Best Regards
    Anne Agoren

    1. Oh dear! Malteser certainly had a way of making you pay attention, Anne! Are you sure it wasn't his way of telling you he didn't like your taste in music?!?

  2. Funniest I can think of is when Seven chewed up the "No Chew" vet wrap.


    1. Oh my goodness - what an odd for thing for Seven to want to chew! Mina is no stranger to the 'no-lick' vet wrap but unlike Seven, she definitely doesn't want to munch it (good job really - bearing in mind the number of times she has had to be encased in it) ;0)

  3. The funniest thing I remember was my old Lab X picking up a 10ft long branch in the woods & running with it, perfectly balanced in the centre. She hurtled up behind my in-laws, who were strolling along next to each other, & ran straight between them, catching them behind the knees! Both in-laws ended up flat on their backs & the dog came to a sudden halt, she couldn't have executed it better if she tried. Fortunately, the in-laws were unharmed & saw the funny side of it ;)

    1. I can't stop giggling at this. What a shame it was before the days of being able to video via a phone. It sounds like it would have been a great candidate for a 'You've been framed' video.

  4. The day I settled down to sleep on the trampoline & was missing for 2 hours as the staff could not see me. Black dog...black mat? I heard them calling. I heard the panic but I was having a REST. Oh how we laugh about it now.

    1. Hehe! It's amazing how well black hounds can disguise themselves.. I bet your staff were in a right panic whilst you were having a lovely little rest ;0)

  5. And the winner is..

    Thank you for your entries - they have all made me laugh. I'm a bit tardy in posting the winning details (sorry) however, there can be only one winner and as all the stories made me laugh, a name was drawn at random and the lucky recipient of the book is KTaraG.

    Well done & I hope you enjoy the book


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